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Trapzilla Hydromechanical Grease Interceptors

167 lbs of grease

405 lbs of grease

525 lbs, 99% efficient

635 lbs of grease

Trapzilla Solids Separators

27 gallons of solids

70 gallons of solids

95 gallons of solids

Sample Ports

4” Inlet/Outet, .5” Fall

4” Inlet/Outlet, 8"

How Trapzilla Works

How a Trapzilla Works-1.png

Trapzilla Accessories

Solids Separators

Sample Port

Hanging Assembly

Extension Collar

Flow Splitter

Carbon Vent Filter


Failed Concrete Interceptor

Average life of 10-15 years

Failed Steel Interceptor

Average life of 5-10 years
CleanShot 2022-09-26 at 10.17.30@2x.png

Potbelly’s $65K Savings

Only location available for concrete grease trap was 300 ft from the kitchen.
Expected cost- $70,000
Trapzilla installed inside the kitchen
Cost with Trapzilla- $5,000
CleanShot 2022-09-26 at 11.31.21@2x.png

Jason’s Deli Failed Trap

Steel trap broken in 5 years
Trapzilla holds more grease in the same space
Will never replace again- Trapzilla has lifetime warranty
Trapzilla was installed overnight in the same footprint.
CleanShot 2022-09-26 at 10.24.44@2x.png

Need help? Contact Thermaco’s Support Team ​
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