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Big Dipper Automatic Grease Interceptors

CleanShot 2023-02-10 at 09.23.34.png
CleanShot 2023-02-10 at 09.27.11.png

How Big Dipper Works

How a Big Dipper Works-1.png

Big Dipper Accessories

Carbon Vent Filter

Dry Strainer

Upgrade Kits

Support Frames

Drain Pump Kit

Air Gap Assembly


Ghost Kitchen drain pump

Drain Pump Kit is a package designed for ghost kitchen and other applications where the pumping to the sewer line is necessary
Big Dipper, Drain Pump, and adjustable Support Stand included

Stadium Concessions

Big Dippers installed at concession stands to protect stadium plumbing
Easy maintenance- kitchen staff able to self-maintain in 2 minutes per day
Preferred solution for many stadiums including Fenway, Oracle Arena, and Truist Park

Culinary Arts School


Big Dippers installed at culinary arts school
CEO manually scooped grease out of former grease trap
Students learn the importance of grease management in a commercial kitchen

Need help? Contact Thermaco’s Support Team ​
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